Teaching & Health Care Artist

Music trainings with Randy Armstrong.
Randy Armstrong in healthcare music programs.

Healing & Therapuetic Music

Randy Armstrong has spent over 30 years using music for healing and as a therapeutic practice for a wide variety of learning disabilities and physical and emotional illnesses. As a dedicated Teaching Artist and Artist in HealthCare, he is on the Arts in Health juried roster with the New Hampshire Council on the Arts. He has provided Music Trainings and services for hospitals, healthcare facilities, educational institutions for children and adults with physical and emotional disabilities, senior centers, schools for autism, individuals with Parkinson’s, youth at risk, and rehabilitation half-way houses. His expertise in Music Healing continues to make a lasting impact on diverse communities.

The Secrets of Rhythmic Drumming

Rhythmic drumming can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s Disease or aging – so can you! People affected with Parkinson’s experience shaking, tremors, muscle stiffness, and loss of balance. As we get older, memory loss, sleep deprivation, and loneliness slowly creep into our daily lives. The good news is these symptoms and more can be improved through African Drumming and rhythmic music therapy.

The rhythmic motion of drumming improves motor skills, develops muscle tone, and stimulates brain functions. Music Lessons in drumming increase dopamine and serotonin levels, helping to create an overall healthy emotional outlook. The social aspect of drumming in a group can decrease stress levels, regulate blood pressure, and improve sleep habits. Not to mention – it’s just plain fun!

For those interested in expanding their musical journey, Randy also offers Guitar Courses, integrating world music techniques into his teachings.


  • Group Drumming Circles
  • Drumming for Parkinson’s
  • World Music Hands-on Workshops
  • Music for Patients in Transition
  • Artist Residencies
  • Music Training for Staff at Heathcare Facilities & Hospitals

Partial List of Clients

Book the Randy Armstrong for Art in Healthcare.

Music healing session with Randy Armstrong.

Drumming for Parkinson’s

4 Part Online Educational & Therapeutic Series—FREE!


The Secrets of Rhythmic Drumming

Rhythmic drumming can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s Disease or aging – so can you! People affected with Parkinson’s experience shaking, tremors, muscle stiffness and loss of balance. As we get older, memory loss, sleep deprivation and loneliness slowly creep into our daily lives. The good news is these symptoms and more can be improved through rhythmic drumming.

The rhythmic motion of drumming improves motor skills, develops muscle tone, and stimulates brain functions. Drumming also increases dopamine and serotonin levels which helps to create an overall healthy emotional outlook. And the social aspect of drumming in a group can decrease stress levels, regulate blood pressure and improve sleep habits. Not to mention – it’s just plain fun!

Contact Randy Armstrong to learn more about West African style drumming and it’s remarkable benefits for those with Parkinson’s disease.

“West African style drumming can improve motor function for people with Parkinson’s disease. Drumming has a long tradition in healing rituals around the world and has been used as a method of therapy to improve and increase muscle memory and motor skills. Drumming is also really fun and energizing! I hope you find these video presentations helpful and invigorating. Enjoy!” – Randy Armstrong